Financial Hardship

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SimplyCLE offers financial aid scholarships to assist attorneys who wish to attend CLE courses but who find it difficult to attend due to cost considerations. Attorneys who have been admitted to practice in any state and who are unemployed, employees in the public sector demonstrating need, pro bono attorneys, or attorneys who can establish financial hardship in a Statement of Need may be granted financial hardship scholarships.

Attorney Discounts Based On Income:

Unemployed Full scholarship.
Income up to $35,000 – 75% discount available.
Income $35,000 to $50,000 – 50% discount available.
Income above $50,000 – No discount.

Application and Income Verification Procedures:

Please forward a letter to explaining the reasons for your request for a financial aid scholarship and include the follow information:

Your name, address and daytime phone number.
A letter from your current employer confirming your anticipated current year earnings.
After submission and a review, you will receive a reply from one of our representatives with further instructions.
A letter from your current employer confirming your anticipated current year earnings should be included with your submission.

If you are currently unemployed, please include a personal statement confirming your current unemployment status with your submission. Scholarships will not be granted retroactively and applications will not be considered after the deadline.